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Specials from mine and friend’s farms!
$100 - $175 - $250
Every box is custom for you. Call, text, message or email with your request. A variety of pork and chicken, turkey if it’s in season. Contact me directly say what you might like or NOT like to see in your box. Pictured is a $100 box - click the image to email for yours!
Where to buy
Sign up for the Newsletter for the special opportunities to buy.
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Please email me directly at ben.glassen@gmail.com or reach me at 604-831-6955.
Individual retail cuts available at the Farmers Market
Nanaimo Online Farmers Market Wednesday find Glassen Farms booth, “Pastured Meats” sign, at the Island Roots Farmers Market every Wednesday from 3pm - 6pm at Beban Park in Nanaimo.
Qualicum Beach Farmers Market Saturday mornings find Glassen Farms booth year-round by the curling arena every Saturday from 8:30am - Noon.
Cedar Farmers Market Sundays 9:30am - 2pm between Mother’s Day and Halloween, find me between the entrance and the bandstand.
Forest Pastured Pork
Half-Hog will fill three shelves in a stand up freeze, 80-110lbs of a wide variety of cuts ranges $750-$950. Also available are Pastured Pork Cuts including pork chop, pork roasts and pastured bacon. Raised as forest pigs on Vancouver Island for premium pastured pork.
Grass Fed & Grass Finished beef. Those words have been cooped by big business, so let’s call it what it is. Grass Only! Our cattle are raised on pasture throughout the growing season and eat locally sourced hay in the winter.
I practice Management Intensive Grazing which means we move the cows to new paddocks every day to have fresh, diverse forage, allowing the pasture ecosystem to recover as long as possible before the livestock return.
Turkey Holidays
Our very own Thanksgiving & Christmas Pastured Turkeys from here on Vancouver Islands. Holiday farm fresh turkey delivery to Vancouver & Victoria for holiday turkey dinner. Thanksgiving & Christmas turkeys in Nanaimo. Fresh and Frozen for Thanksgiving, Frozen for Christmas. Pasture Raised, moved every other day to a new area of fresh grass, bugs and seeds.
“With every new species we bring to the farm
it supports 8 more who can thrive,
That’s promoting Biodiversity”